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heathen tour造句

  • The song " Sunday " was played live at the Heathen Tour and A Reality Tour concerts.
  • Smith began arranging the concerts days after seeing David Bowie's Heathen Tour concert at the Royal Festival Hall in London on 29 June 2002, when Bowie played 10 of the 11 " Heathen " album in order.
  • The Heathen Tour proper began at the Meltdown Festival with Bowie embarking on a series of European performances including a link-up with Moby for the 12-date North America Area : 2 Festivals with a return to Europe for a further six performances.
  • From 2002 through 2004, Russell worked with David Bowie as a band member, providing backing vocals and featured contributions on guitar, keyboard and percussion for Bowie's Heathen Tour, A Reality Tour, and his late-2003 album " Reality ".
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